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School Wear / Second Hand All Saint's Uniform

Audrey Mansell Second hand Uniform Scheme


This is a new service we started in 2022, we really need your second-hand used uniform.

We hope as this service takes off it will help with the reduction of clothing into landfill and Hessle’s carbon footprint. For us to offer it we need stock …

So please bring in your old C of E V C logo uniform, we know these items are quality products so will only be dealing with these.

We will NOT accept any clothing that isn’t from us. That means no supermarket branded items or large retail brands. We deal with School Uniform based only manufacturers whose garments have been quality tested for durability and value for money in the long- term so we know these are good quality garments.

We will offer you a price depending on condition, this is not negotiable.

Bank your money in store or use straight away on any NEW logo uniform in store, this is not a cash in hand scheme. You must use it to pay towards new garments in stock in store.

Condition of uniform

Only goods bought originally from us will be accepted in the scheme. These must be C of E Academy logo garments. Badly stained, chewed cuffs etc garments will not be accepted. Price offered will depend on the condition.

You can find all our available secondhand uniform in store.

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